First, find ways to manage our color image cameras. All consumer digital cameras have an image in color, no exceptions. This is a physical characteristic of the image sensor of the camera. In the sensor, each pixel is sitting behind a small color filter - red, green or blue. The captured image must pass through these filters or no picture at all.
If we decided we need to capture the color they are saved directly to memory card, but if we chose a camera in black and white, but color to your computer to delete the file, and we saved the photo in B & W. In fact, every choice we make our camera to change the color applied to the cerebellum camera after the image has been processed completely true color. Choose sepia? Enough to reduce camera to sepia red, green and blue. The idea of the picture really bright colors in your journey start? The camera adjusts the color up in the last 100% to get the amped-up color.
Thus, the camera captures images in color, and then, fortunately, is preparing for the removal or addition of instruction manuals in color. But the camera's internal computer for all its power, not the taste or condemnation. What happens if the results look really bad? Whether the goal by Angel Adams black and white, but the end of the picture is gray and muddy looking.