Saturday, 27 November 2010

Digital Photography:

Photographers need to understand the settings for aperture and shutter speed and know how to use them. Then came the automatic mode, which let the camera does the thinking for you. This was (and still is) a fairly reliable way to get a proper image exposure, but it has taken creativity out of the hands and the photographer. Over time, few people learn the skills of hand. As technology improved the quality of the camera most of the pictures actually got worse.

Today we have the best of both worlds. All digital cameras and most compact digital cameras have automatic and manual modes, but also offer a semi-automatic mode. This means that you can be a bit creative and still give exposure to noise of the camera for you.

To help meet the challenge, you now have the option of opening and shutter priority. These settings allow you to semi-automatic gain control of an institution and the camera automatically adjusts the second. This allows you to have a creative contribution to the security of knowing that the camera will handle the level of exposure. You decide how you want your image to see the device and make sure it is properly exposed.

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